Super Reseller Schedule a Webinar Instructions
This page is for JV's who want to schedule a webinar with us on the back of their launch.
This will show you how to gain maximum attendees to maximize sales.
Apply For Diamond Super Reseller Approval.
First of all, you must be a 'Diamond Super Reseller' affiliate, so request approval below.
Please paste the special code you have been given into the text field, so we know who you are!
You must have our scheduled webinar integrated with JVZoo so we can auto register your customers. Simply go to edit your product in JVZoo and add the GotoWebinar URL you have been given by us as shown below. Once you have added it please do a test purchase and then get in touch with us, so we can check everything is working.

Getting The Most Success From Auto Adding Registrants to Webinars.
When auto adding customers to a live webinar it is crucial your customers know that there is an upcoming event that they must attend. Highlighting the webinar to your members will result in a much better attendance rate, which will result in a LOT more sales!
To maximize results from this tactic you should mention that your customers/members have been added to an orientation/welcome training session. You should tell them that this is an event your most successful members are implementing and it’s training that’s not to be missed. (See examples below)
If you can implement as many of these steps as possible, we will have more people attend and this will result in more sales.
1. In the welcome email that you send to your customers/members include a reminder of the date and time of the event. If you send out a separate email with login details i.e. automated membership software or autoresponder members welcome email, include details in that email too.
2. Include a pop up, exit intent or statement on your thank you page or main members area that has all of the info of the upcoming webinar. We have included an example graphic and PSD that you can play around with. It doesn’t have to link anywhere, it just needs to remind people an event is happening. But you can link it to your GotoWebinar link you were given.
3. Add a reminder on your thank you page. We like to add it as a step that needs to be followed, but it can be any way you prefer.
All we are trying to do is make the customer aware that there is an upcoming event that they don’t want to miss.
Once the event is over, GotoWebinar will mail the registrants about a replay, we usually get about 40% of our total sales from the replay, so we'd also recommend you mail to the replay hard too.
Welcome or Thank You Page Message Example
Make Sure You’re Registered For This FREE Training Webinar Where You’ll Discover Exactly How to Make The Most From PLR and Maximize it's FULL Potential!
We've already registered you for this special training event on [DAY DATE TIME], please look out for an email from GotoWebinar with your special link to join us...
Join PLR experts Dave Nicholson & Dan Sumner as they show you how to truly profit from the PLR content sitting on your hard drive. Yes, they will show you how to profit from the PLR content you already own and you can get started as soon as the webinar has ended.
This brand new training is not to be missed.
Exit Pop - Exit Intent Image Example

Click HERE to Download The PSD Source File For This Image.
Members Area or Thank You Page Image Example

Click HERE to Download The PSD Source File For This Image.
Members Area or Thank You Page Step Box Example

Click HERE to Download The PSD Source File For This Image.
Email Swipe Copy For Webinar
*Send Before Event (registration)
Don’t forget to Register For Your FREE Training!
Get The Most From Your PLR With This ‘Must Watch’ PLR Success Webinar
Must See – Free PLR Success Training…
Hi [Add Name Here],
I have something very special coming up for you very soon.
This is a not to miss free webinar where you will discover exactly how to PROFIT from PLR!
On this ‘not to be missed’ webinar, there are tips, tricks and techniques revealed that I guarantee will skyrocket your profits, traffic and subscribers.
Remember – This is completely FREE and provides invaluable info for you and your PLR business.
Here is the link to register. I’ll see you on the webinar:
[Place Your Name Here].
*Send Before Event (registration)
PLR Success Tips and Profits Training…
Discover The Secrets to High PLR Profits (free training)
Look Out For Your Free PLR Success Training!
Yesterday I told you about some awesome FREE PLR training that Dave Nicholson & Dan Sumner are providing via a One-Off Training Webinar…
This training shows how absolutely ANYBODY can make the most of PLR Material, and also utilize it to it’s MAXIMUM potential.
It was originally intended for some of their members, but the feedback they got was so great, I managed to twist their arms to let you know about it!
Here’s the link where you can register for FREE:
Remember, this is a One-Off event, so make sure you grab your spot while it’s available!
You’re going to LOVE this training 🙂
[Place Your Name Here].
*Send Before Event (registration)
PLR Success Tips and Profits Free Training…
Discover the Secrets to BIG PLR Profits!
Just When You Thought You Knew How to PROFIT From PLR…
Hi [Add Name Here],
Do you really think you know how to sell and PROFIT from PLR?
I thought so too until I saw some of the tips, techniques and strategies that will be revealed in this amazing ‘not to be missed’ training.
Seriously, this will blow you away when you see it…
Remember – This is completely FREE and provides invaluable training for you and your PLR business.
Here is the link to register for FREE:
[Place Your Name Here].
*Send Before Event (registration 2-3 hours before start)
Breakthrough Profit From PLR Training is About to Start!
Quick – The Profit From PLR Training is About to Start!
Hi [Add Name Here],
Just a quick email to let you know that the special breakthrough ‘Profit From PLR’ Training is about to start…
So grab a pen and paper for notes and settle in for some entertaining and highly informative PLR cash generating info.
Check it Out Here:
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thanks for reading.
[Place Your Name Here].
*Send After Event (replay)
If you Missed the LIVE Training Then You’re in Luck!…
Did You Miss The LIVE PLR Training?…
Hi [Add Name Here],
WOW! What a great response I had from last nights FREE Training Webinar…
Everybody absolutely LOVED what was shared on the webinar!
However, I’ve heard that a lot of people couldn’t make the LIVE event, so I managed to get you a replay for a limited time:
Make sure you watch the replay and learn how to truly PROFIT from PLR content. I guarantee you will pick up some amazing content in this not to be missed webinar replay…
So get ready to turn off the TV, social media and any other ‘none money making’ distractions, grab a pen and paper for notes and settle in for some entertaining and highly informative PLR cash generating info.
[Place Your Name Here].
*Send After Event (replay)
Don’t Miss This Amazing PLR Training…
You’ll Kick Yourself if You Miss This PLR Training!
Everybody Absolutely LOVED This PLR Training…
Hi [Add Name Here],
Did you miss the special webinar that my buddies Dan and Dave held to help you get the most from PLR material?
No problem, we understand that a lot of people couldn’t make the LIVE training, due to time zones etc…
So we twisted their arms to get you a replay, so you can take advantage of this training:
Dave and Dan really delivered some AMAZING content on the webinar, and judging by the feedback we received, everyone absolutely LOVED it.
Please take the time to watch it soon though, because due to time sensitive material that is shared, this will only be available for the next few days.
I hope you enjoy it and learn a LOT 🙂
[Place Your Name Here].
*Send After Event (replay)
Today is Your Last Chance to Grab This Free PLR Training…
Last Chance to Grab This Free PLR Training…
Hi [Add Name Here],
Just a real quick email here to remind you that the special FREE PLR Training replay I got for you will be removed TONIGHT!
Yes, I managed to get you a replay for this AWESOME PLR Training, but due to some time sensitive content that’s revealed, the replay will be pulled TONIGHT.
Please make sure you watch this BEFORE it expires:
[Place Your Name Here].
Once you have everything in place it is extremely important to keep letting your new members know about the upcoming webinar. This could be via email, social media and announcements inside your members area.
The more people you get to attend, the more sales we both stand to make.
If you have any questions let us know.
Book Your Slot!
Get in touch with our webinar manager ‘Kev Spence’ here and he'll make it all happen for you.
Skype: kevrspence
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kev.spence.58
Email: kev@kevspence.com

Dave Nicholson & Dan Sumner.